Hi, I'm Savannah!

Welcome to Sensory With Savannah, where we take sensory play to a whole new level of fun and creativity. I'm Savannah Marinozzi, a proud mom of two adorable children! I'm on a mission to bring the joy of sensory play to kids of all ages (yes, even grown-ups can join in on the fun!).

As a mom, I know firsthand the importance of finding engaging ways to introduce sensory play to our little ones. That's why I decided to turn my passion into a business. But hey, I didn't stop there! I teamed up with my husband's 3-D printing business, Guided Gadgets to create the most amazing sensory bins and kits you've ever seen.

At Sensory With Savannah, we believe that sensory play is not just essential, it's sensational! Our Montessori-inspired sensory bins are carefully crafted to ignite imaginations, stimulate senses, and promote crucial developmental skills. From Holiday specific Sensory Bins to fully custom Bins, we've got a wide range of themed sensory experiences that will keep your little explorers entertained for hours.

We're not just about selling awesome sensory products. We're here to educate parents on the incredible benefits of sensory play. Through events, birthday parties, and collaborations with schools, we're spreading the word about the power of sensory play for all ages. Because let's be honest, who says sensory play is just for kids? We're all kids at heart!

So, whether you're a parent looking to spark your child's imagination, a teacher seeking inclusive sensory solutions, or simply someone who wants to unleash their inner child, join me on this exciting journey of sensory and play. Together, let's create unforgettable moments of joy, laughter, and discovery!

Get ready to dive into a world of sensory wonders with Sensory With Savannah. Let's play, learn, and grow together!

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